This publication brings together a series of five symposia that took place at ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory between June 2015 and April 2018. It was conceived in collaboration with the Schindler Transit Management Group to identify and understand the urban development patterns emerging in peripheries worldwide.
Urban peripheries - are typically perceived to present only great challenges or problems. This collaborative research project set out to stimulate new ways of thinking and to initiate a discourse on urban realities at the periphery.
This examination of the periphery had a double focus: the periphery itself and its mobilisation, which is understood to be far more than connectivity and movement options. Many positive phenomena take shape in peripheries that are of relevance for urban contexts everywhere. Sometimes these occur due to a very particular constellation of specific local factors. Other times, these phenomena are recognisable in broadly similar peripheral contexts – socio-economic as well as spatial – on all continents. At the very least, there is something to be learned in each case, and often even something that can be applied elsewhere.
The various urban peripheral situations discussed address very different challenges: high-density vertical villages in China, rapid spread of low-density urban corridors in sub-Saharan Africa, separated neighbourhoods in the long-established Latin American peripheries and fragmented pockets of socioeconomic deprivation in Europe. Despite these marked differences, are evident in the challenges they face and the responses to these.
From social discourse to practical solutions, from self-help to global exchange, from regional to local planning, from community-based approaches to overarching necessities. It becomes clear that provocative ideas for the future can only be generated via multidisciplinary approaches. Irrespective of whether further urban expansions and peripheries are formally or informally built, the question of inclusion will be crucial. At all levels one must not lose sight of the people and their hope for a better future.
Summaries of the 48 responses presented by the discussion contributors are collected in the book; as Characteristics where they describe aspects of the periphery, or Actions where they are about projects in, or approaches to the periphery.
Mike Adebamowo, Miquel Adrià, Paola Alfaro d'Alençon, Floris Alkemade, Comfort Badaru, Jochen Becker, Verena von Beckerath, Jan van den Broeck, Lucy Bullivant, Loreta Castro Reguera, Che Fei, Renato D'Alençon Castrillón, Dirk Donath, Hassan Elmouelhi, Kerstin Faber, Luis Feduchi, Ángel Luís Fernández Muñoz, Josefine Fokdal, Elisabete França, Paul Friedli, Vladimir Frolov, Julio Gaeta, Felipe González González, Bettina Gransow, Silvan Hagenbrock, Bettina Hamann, Christian Hanussek, Alejandro Hernàndez Gàlvez, Manuel Herz, Fabienne Hoelzel, Olalekan Jeyifous, Emily Kelling, Heng Chye Kiang, Djamel Klouche, Hubert Klumpner, Eduard Kögel, Daniel Kötter, Hannes Langguth, Rachel Lee, Gary Leggett, Florian Lennert, Astrid Ley, Phillip Misselwitz, Barbara Münch, John Paul Muwanguzi Senyonyi, Chelina Odbert, John Kebari Omwamba, Juan Manuel Patiño Marín, Jorge Alberto Pérez Jaramillo, Andres F. Ramirez, Walter Rohn, Marcos Leite Rosa, Stefanie Ruff, Áine Ryan, Jota Samper, Edward Schwarz, Max Schwitalla, Bouwer Serfontein, Shin Ming, Remy Sietchiping, AbdouMaliq Simone, Jörg Stollmann, Tat Lam, Hendrik Tieben, Hans Venhuizen, Kai Vöckler, Aisha Walcott-Bryant, Michael Waldrep, Marion Waller, Christian Wethmann and Zhang Yue.
Title: Mobilising the Periphery: Incubator for Urban Innovation
Series: ANCB Edition #5
Publisher: ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory
Format: 148 x 210 mm, 135 pages
Language: English
Price: 10 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-944083-05-6
Publication Year: 2019
Documentation of the Collaborative Project: Mobilising the Periphery
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