University of Kentucky
30 May – 8 July 2022

Architectonic Characters in the City: Berlin

PROJECT 1: Fabricating Play: Berlin Zoo
Berlin Zoo proposes a series of friendly objects to be distributed throughout the city. Each proposal seeks to reflect and engage its context through a gestural form. These prototypes are developed considering the relationship to human scale, use, materiality, and building systems resulting in architectonic characters occupying the leftover spaces of Berlin.

PROJECT 2: Housing Prototypes for the Schumacher Quartier
The University of Kentucky (UK/CoD) architectural design studio led this summer by Associate Professor Jason Scroggin focuses on the development of new housing typologies for the Schumacher Quartier in Berlin. Each student worked through iterative modeling exercises to consider the potential of the building form to enhance the relationship between its inhabitants and the city by juxtaposition of a select public program and the private nature of living within the constraints of the urban context.

Studio Coordinators: Jason Scroggin, Chloe Kelley


Enquiry Programme


ANCB Partners

© ANCB, Berlin